Business Planning
ITI can help with a variety of business planning services for:
After you've been working on a business plan for a month you're so close to it that many time it takes an outside view to help you see the obvious. ITI can help with a business plan review and reality check. Many times you may have a good start on the business plan but it needs some polish and focus to bring out its best points. ITI can help you tune your business plan to maximum effectiveness. Custom Business Planning Services ITI can provide investors or businesses with a wide variety of business planning services. This can include spin offs, reorganizations, downsizing/rightsizing analysis, turnarounds, etc. ITI can develop business plans, marketing plans, financial models, etc. to help clarify issues and refine business models. Executive Summary and Business Plan Presentation Nothing is more critical in your fund raising process than your executive summary and your initial investor presentations. Your main business plan may never get looked at unless you clear these important hurdles. ITI can help you make sure that your business plan summary and presentations are in top form. Let ITI help you put together sales and marketing programs that will not only increase your revenue but improve your bottom line. Marketing plans, marketing materials, advertising plans, PR programs, sales force compensation plans, distribution channel analysis, etc. - ITI associates have done them all before.